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The atomic pair distribution function (PDF) reveals the interatomic distance in a material directly in real-space. It is a very powerful method to characterize the local structure of materials. With the help of the third generation synchrotron facility and spallation neutron source worldwide, the PDF method has developed quickly both experimentally and theoretically in recent years. Recently this method was successfully implemented at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). The data quality is very high and this ensures the applicability of the method to study the subtle structural changes in complex materials. In this article, we introduce in detail this new method and show some experimental data we collected.
Due to the urgent energy and environmental issues the human race faces today, materials science and synthetic chemistry develop very fast. Artificial functional materials, such as high temperature superconducting materials,[1] new thermoelectric materials,[2] ferroelectric materials,[3] and nanomaterials,[4] are becoming more and more structurally complex. The performance of these materials depends much or solely sometimes on their local atomic structure, but it is very difficult to characterize the local structure of these complex materials on nano and atomic length scales using traditional XRD method because of the generally broad diffuse features present in the diffraction pattern of such materials. Additionally, the traditional XRD method, which is based on the assumption of lattice periodicity and takes into account only the Bragg peaks, can only give the materials’ average structure. In recent years, the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) method gained much attention. The PDF method is a total scattering method which takes into account both the Bragg peaks (the global or long range average structure) and diffuse scattering (the local structure) signals, without adding the assumption of lattice periodicity.[5] The diffuse scattering part of a diffraction pattern contains important information regarding the local structure of a material which is generally critical to the material performance. PDF reveals both the short and intermediate range structure of a material.[6] The interatomic distance and the coordination number of atoms in a material are revealed directly in real-space.[7] The atomic instantaneous correlation and the time-independent structure of the system can be derived using energy discriminative and energy non-discriminative signals, respectively.[8]
In the old days, the PDF analysis was a method that people turned to when studying the structure of those materials without long range order, such as amorphous materials like glasses[9] and liquids.[10] Today with the advent of the third generation synchrotron x-ray sources, spallation neutron sources, and high-speed computing, the PDF method developed very fast. People have been using this method to study the disordered, nanocrystallinity and crystallographically challenging materials[6] and nanoscale structural ordering.[11] This method is critical for the study of the amorphous state of materials. It is becoming a very popular and powerful method of characterizing the local structure of various materials. These new third generation synchrotrons and neutron spallation sources, like PETRA-III, DIAMOND, NSLS-II, and SNS, all put PDF as a new technology to be developed with high priority in their new beamline designs.
Other local structure probes, such as extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)[12,13] and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), give very short-range information. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) give the two-dimensional real space pictures of thin samples and surfaces respectively, but currently they do not yield atomic positions with very high precision and usually it is not easy for them to get bulk property of the samples.[5] Compared with these methods, PDF can detect the distance between atoms up to several or even tens of nanometers accurately. Since peaks in the PDF come directly from bond lengths and other local atomic environment, PDF analysis is very useful in structural studies of nanoscale[11] and disordered materials.[14] However, it has not been widely applied and popularized in China until very recently.[15–19] The main reason is that it is important to measure data to a high value of momentum transfer Q for high real-space resolution of PDF data. Roughly speaking, the spatial resolution
Now we will show the derivation of the PDF equations of most relevance to general users. The full details can be found in Farrow et al.[20] We adopt the notations used in the Farrow article since the strict math and consistent convention would be used in the article to avoid the confusion that people can have from reading articles from different fields which generally involve approximations and assumptions obscurely indicated.
The scattering amplitude from a set of m atoms at points
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Now we introduce another physical quantity, the radial distribution function (RDF), denoted as
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In reality, due to the experimental instrument design,
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In the early days of PDF experiment, a diffractometer was needed since it provides high
The PDF experiments were done at SSRF 13W beamline (BL). Currently the BL13W is the only beamline that can deliver high energy (E > 50 keV) x-ray flux in the SSRF using a 1.9 Tesla wiggler. The source size is 408 μm × 23 μm and the divergence is 5.14 mrad×0.15 mrad. BL13W is an unfocused beamline with simple optics setup. Two flat double crystal monochromators placed at 28 meters away from the source can be switched to select either regular hard x-ray (Si (111)) or high energy x-ray (Si (311)).
Although the Si (111) can give much higher intensity since the reflectivity is higher compared with the Si (311), in the high energy range we use the Si (311) because the beamline is dedicated to the imaging purpose and low incident angle limit is taken to avoid damage of the monochromators.
The total photon energy is in the range of 8–72.5 keV and the energy resolution is better than
In summary, the experimental setup for PDF at SSRF is very simple. It does not have a focusing device and uses a flat crystal monochromator to select high-energy x-ray, which makes it easy to analyze the optical properties (such as divergence) of the x-ray used and also gives a relatively high resolution in Q space.
Below we show several typical experiment examples.
Pure nickel (Ni) is chosen as a standard sample to test the quality of our PDF data because Ni has a simple fcc structure. A lead plate with a small hole in the middle was placed before the sample container during experiments in order to suppress stray light as said before. The energy used was 69.525 keV (
The software Fit2D[23] was used to integrate all raw data and converted them to intensity versus
![]() | Fig. 3. (a) The total scattering structure function ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is certainly other software used by different groups before even PDFgetX2 was written. In the authors’ opinion, PDFgetX2 and PDFgetX3 gained popularity because of the development of the software science. PDFgetX3 got especially successful large attributes to the open source frame.

We have optimized the experimental setup for the low and high temperature experiments. Since the opening of high and low temperature apparatus for incoming x-rays is usually small, it can be a difficult task to do beam alignment. We used high precision translation stage and lifting platform coupled with a Marcam to regulate and align the x-ray path. In high-temperature experiments, gases such as argon or nitrogen can fill the sample chamber to protect the sample from oxidation. The gas from the gas outlet can be recycled to blow into the surface of the sample chamber to avoid ice freezing in the process of low-temperature experiments. Cu
Although we have shown the experimental data of two kinds of materials, we just show the refinement results of Ni. The program PDFgui[26] was used to refine the structure of Ni. PDFgui is a program which can be used to refine crystal structures in real space based on experimental PDF data. It can fit multiple structures if a material has different structure phase. Many variables are included in the structure phase, such as lattice constants, anisotropic atomic displacement parameters (ADPs), atomic site occupation, data and phase scale factors, and a set of parameters which have relation to atomic motion effects or scatter size effects in the PDF. Another advantage is that this program supports space group operations. Once the space group is specified, the program can expand an asymmetric unit to a full cell and can also generate symmetry constraints for atomic ADPs and atomic coordinates according to the symmetry requirements.[27] The simulation results are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. The experimental ![]() ![]() |
When compared with the PDF experiments at the MU-CAT 6-ID-D beamline at Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, the main differences are shown in Table
![]() | Table 1.
Comparison of experimental data between APS and SSRF. . |
For disordered materials, reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) method is a useful method to analyze the atomic structure since it considers both the atomic positions and their correlations. A Monte Carlo algorithm is used in the process of constructing the atomic model and configurations will be produced finally, which are in best agreement with experimental data. Moreover, there are no parameterized equations that drive the model because experimental data are used directly in this process at all stages.[28] Now someone has used the method of density function theory coupled with PDF to explore the structure of materials.[29–31]
Low-temperature PDF method is very important for condensed matter physics research. Many materials such as superconductors and other strong correlated systems need to be studied at low-temperature (below the nitrogen boiling point) environment. Two solutions satisfy this need. One is to cool the sample as in bio-XRD experiments, i.e., blowing cooling gas (nitrogen or helium) to the sample. An N-HeliX system from Oxford Cryosystems company, which can cool the sample down to 28 K, is equipped at SSRF. This system has the merit of easy sample changing and minimized background. But it cannot reach temperatures below 25 K.
Another way to do a low temperature PDF experiment in which the temperature can reach below 25 K is to use the cryostat system. If the sample is held in the cryostat, a wide scattering angle for the x-ray generally means a big opening for the sample chamber and consequently big heat loads from thermal radiation on the cryogenic system. This puts high requirements for both the cooling power and the thermal shielding design.[32] We designed a dedicated sample chamber for PDF experiment. The cryocooler (DE-202SG) and the compressor provided by the Advanced Research System (ARS) Company can be mounted on the Huber diffractometer, suitable not only for PDF experiment but also for other low-temperature experiments. We should note that helium in both the cryostream and the ARS system is run in a closed cycle. Such systems have the advantage of minimum helium loss (or lossless in helium).
The ARS system has a large exit window that covers 70° of
![]() | Fig. 7. (a) The total scattering structure functions ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Table 2.
Crystal structure data from PDFgui refinement for Ni at different temperatures (T is the stabilized temperature of the sample rather than the coldhead). . |
One development is to combine PDF with another method. It would be great to collect both the small angle scattering signal and higher Q signal for PDF simultaneously in the experiment.[20] Technically, it is now possible to make a scatterless pinhole for high-energy x-rays. Given proper alignment of the pinholes and the beam stop, it would be possible to measure SAXS and PDF signal in one experiment and this is very important for the nano-sized samples.
In the algorithm part, combining information from XAFS and PDF method in the data analysis process might be quite interesting. XAFS is a natural complementary method to PDF as a local structure analysis method. Ab initio reconstruction method generated much interest.[33,34] We should expect better starting structure for the structure searching process, faster converging, and more reasonable final structure after putting the constraint in the reconstruction. Putting a constraint from SAXS signal into the reconstruction algorithm might also be helpful.
Anomalous PDF method using the change of atomic scattering factors near absorption edges is very interesting since it can distinguish directly if an atom/ion species contributes to a given atomic pair distance. Instrument development in a synchrotron station is probably the most important for an anomalous PDF method using high-energy x-ray. High-energy resolution is not easy to implement in the high-energy case. The article by Shastri describes one scheme in which bent Laue crystal (premonochromator), compound refractive lenses (collimator), and double flat Bragg crystal (monochromator) are combined together to give a very high-energy resolution for the high-energy x-rays.[35]
For those PDF experiments when the micro-sized beam is required, like when a diamond anvil cell is needed for high pressure, focusing the high-energy x-ray is usually necessary to guarantee enough photon flux. This is a general topic for high-energy x-ray and would not be discussed here. It is though important to know that different sources (undulator or wiggler) might require a totally different focusing scheme using totally different x-ray optics elements.[36,37]
Very recently, detectors optimized for high energy photon detection using CdTe as a sensor are finally emerging in the market. This would have a huge impact for high-energy x-ray science. For decades, the relatively low efficiency of the high-energy x-ray detector has limited this field to a large degree. With pretty high quantum efficiency and very fast data readout speed, the field of high-energy scattering is to be changed. So far the detector still does not have energy resolution that can eliminate the Compton scattering signal which still has to be theoretically ruled out. The key parameter
In this section, we will talk about the current effort and future development of PDF in SSRF.
There are many things that can be done for the future development of the PDF method in SSRF. These will mainly be driven by the users’ needs. In ab initio chemical reaction experiment, high-energy x-ray can penetrate the container wall or window more easily and PDF can give useful local structure information during the reaction process. PDF method can be combined with a high-pressure technique to study the behavior of systems under extreme conditions. As mentioned before, this will require focusing of the high-energy x-ray to micro size. This is one major work we are putting much effort into now. Different focusing elements, like CRL, Sawtooth, and kinoform lens, will be either purchased or made. Different levitation techniques suitable for varied systems can also be combined with the high-energy PDF method to study those processes that require containerless conditions.[39,40] This is very important for such studies on high-temperature liquid, supercooled (metastable) liquid, and even pharmaceutical drug studies.
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